

Kevin Michael Grimmer


To Shelia and the entire Grimmer family:
I am so very sorry over the loss of a great man. From the time we went to St. Peter’s together, or at the Grimmer house shooting hoops, or seeing him at SUNY, Kevin always treated me and everyone around him with kindness. I’m sorry I missed the services, because it has been years since I have seen many of you. Know that I was thinking of all of you and I am truly sorry but Kevin certainly did leave a great mark in this world; something you should be very proud of.

- Mary Grace Ruckel

Dear Shelia & Family & Jim & Maureen Grimmer & Family..
With our deepest sympathy we send our thoughts & prayers to all of you.
Kevin was a rare find, especially in times like today…
A guy who was totally committed to his craft and all those who were fortunate enough to be a part of it….
Great love of his family and all those he helped to reach their ultimate goals says it all…..
Kevin will be truly missed by many.
Love & condolences at this most difficult time. Linda, Pam, Jackie, & Rick Raymer

- Linda Raymer

I had the good fortune to be Kevin’s teammate for three years at Hamilton. Kevin led the basketball team quietly by example – by hard work, determination, unselfish play, and with integrity and humor. He more than anyone else kept the basketball program moving forward during a time of transition and challenge. Kevin was our go-to man; someone we could always count on to deliver. And he always did.

Off the court and after graduating he touched many, many lives. He had an impact, he made a difference, and he left a lasting legacy. Like so many others, I am thankful to have known him.

- Keith Whelan (Hamilton class of 1980)

I am so saddened to hear of my old St. Peter’s buddy passing. Kevin was one of my many classmates and friend all the way through elementary school. I have warm memories of those days- playing and praying together… growing up from 1st grade until 8th grade side by side❤️ one classroom. We never split up, so we were like brothers and sisters for 8 years. Kevin was a leader even then. He was a strong force of character, dependable, ethical, and hard working. I love reading about all of his accomplishments past 8th grade! My oh my! There are so very many. My prayers are with his beautiful family and long lasting friends. God Bless.

- Christine Boice

I was a 1987 suny-it graduate. I was on the women’s basketball team that was becoming extinct. Kevin helped bring the program back! If it wasn’t for him, women’s basketball would have been gone. What a wonderful kind person. My condolences to his family.

- Yvonne Lyons

Sheila and family. My heart goes out to you all. My dad(Les Diven) thought the world of Kevin. I can say for sure they have already been talking sports in heaven. A huge loss for you all but a major gain for our loved ones above. ❤️

- Barbara and Shirley Diven. Daughters of Les and Pa

To the Grimmer Family:

Please accept our sincere condolences during this period of loss and grieving.
The Wildcat Family joins together to express our sincere gratitude for all the years of sacrifices and contributions Kevin made to our school. SUNY Tech wouldn’t be the institution it is today without him. Kevin, thank you for all you have done. For helping us learn and improve at the game of basketball, for encouraging us to become better men and women, and developing good work ethic.

You have left behind an indelible legacy. A heartfelt appreciation and may you rest in peace for eternity.

God’s work well done!

- SUNY Utica/ Rome Tech Wildcats Men's Basketball (classess 1986 - 1990)

- R.Chavez

To the Grimmer Family:
We offer our condolences on the lost of our Coach,, Friend and Mentor. Kevin
not only taught us how to play the game of basketball better, he also encouraged us to be good men, be responsible and develop a strong work ethic.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to Kevin for the years of sacrifices he made for our school and the Utica community at large. “SUNY Tech” wouldn’t be the institution it is today without his commitment and contributions.
He gave so many hours away from family (smile Sheila) to make sure the athletic programs and student athletes prospered.
Kevin, thank you for all you have done. You have left behind an indelible legacy. A heartfelt thanks to you, and to your entire family.
May you rest in peace, you have done God’s work well and with conviction our friend.

-SUNY Men’s Basketball (wildcats classes of 1986 - 1990)

- R. Chavez

Dear Sheila, Mr. & Mrs. Grimmer, Jimmy, Karen, Suzanne, Lisa, Margaret, Mary and families, We are so very sorry to learn Kevin passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. We have known you all since our days at St. Peter's Church and School. I remember the year St. Peter's team won the city CYO basketball championship and the sportsmanship trophy, too. Joe White and my dad were very proud of that team! I know the hole in your hearts losing your brother. God bless you all!

- Cathy (Scicchitano) and Heyward Preacher

I first met Kevin when he was touring the Hamilton College campus. I was in my office when Tom Murphy called and asked me to run right over to the Chapel and talk to Kevin about what he could do for Hamilton and what Hamilton could do for him. And as it turned out, they both did a lot for each other.

Although I knew him only for a short time during his college years, Kevin's warm heart, unselfish nature, perseverance, and total lack of pretense made a tremendous impression on me. It's no surprise that he went on to lead the life he did, and to be widely appreciated, respected, and loved by so many people. Kevin was a truly memorable character, and I hope it helps you to know that the pain of your untimely loss is shared even by those of us who feel lucky to have crossed paths with him, however briefly.

- Roy Schecter

So Sorry For Your Loss. Mr. Grimmer was a great father, coach and man.

- Clive Young

Dear Nick and family,

Your friends at UpMobility send heartfelt condolences at this sad time. Strength and courage as you move forward. Peace.
Sending love,

- Peggy O’Shea

To Sheila, Nick, and family—
Sending you as much love and support during your difficult time as the entire Bruno family can offer.
Kevin touched his community and obviously will have a lasting impact for years to come. We’ll certainly have a beer for him this week.
Meredith and Nick Bruno

- Meredith Bruno

My sincere condolences to the entire Grimmer family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this most difficult time. Rest in peace Kevin!

- Tom Gadziala

To Sheila and Kevin’s Family,

The loss of someone we love to ALS can be an unbearable journey for a family. Our family also experienced just such a loss, in 2022, and we hope that Kevin’s courage can inspire you in the days that follow as you carry his spirit in your hearts and lives.

Stu Williams, H ‘81


Kevin's passing breaks my heart. I was privileged to call him a friend. I always have admired his mental toughness, his work ethic, his relentless attitude, his great competitive spirit. We will miss Kevin so much.

- John C Pitarresi

To Sheila and Kevin's family, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of this remarkable man who loved you all so much. I believe love never dies and when you aren't greiving as hard you might be able to realize little "signs" from him, believe it.
Netflix has a great episode (4) on Surviving Death and receiving signs from those we have lost. I find it a great comfort. Kevin is with you now, just on another plane. Grief comes in waves and unexpectedly, we have to face it, feel it and go on until the other wave hits. Grief like this means there was/is great love.

Louise White

- Louise White

To the family, peace Kevin, RIP. A great person gone to soon.

- Richard Alpert

To the Grimmer Family:
My deepest sympathy and condolences to you all. It was always a pleasure working at SUNY Poly with both Kevin and Nick. Many thoughts and prayers.

- Matt Kopytowski

I am sad to hear of the passing of Coach Grimmer. I still remember the first time meeting him on a recruitment trip in 1991. Going to SUNY Tech was one of my best decisions and knowing Coach Grimmer made it even more special. My thoughts and prayers are with the Grimmer family and all who loved him.

- Keri Murphy - Class of 93

To the Grimmer family,
Dave and I are so sorry to hear about Kevin We have fond memories of him, Sheila and the Grimmer gang . Wishing you all love and light in the days ahead. He was truly a special man.
Betsy and Dave Miranda

- Betsy Miranda

We would like to extend our prayers and thoughts with the Grimmer family. Kevin was Suny Poly. Hard to believe this news. God speed my friend.

- Steve Samoyedny

Thanks Grimmer for making a lifelong impression on myself and my friends and my collegiate athletic career. Sending my love and wishing you all peace at this most difficult time. Go SUNY Tech!

- Natalie (Head) 94-95

Nick and family, I am sorry to hear of your dad's passing sending my condolences to all of you. You dad was a wonderful person and was an amazing team builder. My you now focus on the good memories of him. Allen (Al) Styno Class of 84

- Allen Styno

To the Grimmer family,
We are so sorry to hear of Kevin’s passing ,our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. May he Rest In Peace .

- Janice Greer