

Joyce K. Ebensperger


“These are words of condolence for all of us that knew Joyce Ebensperger, a quiet, generous, intelligent woman who is now gone after an amazing 102 years of life in upstate New York. From the memories of Aunt Joyce and Uncle George always being ready for our visits by providing of a full box of toys nestled within the cupboard at kid level (who remembers the wooden donkey that magically collapsed over and over with a touch of your finger ?…) the birthdays and Christmases they always made brighter for a struggling young family, the valley shelter shared during winter storms for young teenagers that were unable to get back up the steep icy road and the continuing support into our young adult lives even if choices were not heartily endorsed!...Our eternal thanks for the young woman who long ago gave up so much of her personal dreams to help raise her younger sister, our mother, when their own died much too soon. Aunt Joyce lived all the years sadly her own mother, brother, husband, nephew and great nephew were denied, even managing to surpass her younger sister, who died at 90, and who also shared Joyce’s loves of mysteries.
My sister, Robin, and I thank those of her friends that shared their time with Aunt Joyce throughout these many years of her solitude without Uncle George and at her final home at Eastern Star. May her spirit, and all of you marvelous caring people, know that though we have been far away in body, caught up in our own daily lives, we were always, always grateful to Aunt Joyce and all of you who cared for her when we could not these many years. In thanks, Gael Ashwood and Robin Nichols

- Gael Ashwood and Robin Nichols

Dana my condolences on the passing of your mom. Wow! 102 years! She graduated high school the year my mother was born!

- peter inserra