

Jean Marie Kallus


Dear Harvey and family,

My deepest condolences for the loss of your loved one. May God bless you during this time of extreme sorrow and comfort you in the days ahead.

My prayer is for God to lift Jean up in spirit and may she rest in peace for all eternity.

In peace and friendship,

Barb (Stango) Nobile

- Barbara Nobile

To the extended Hernon and Kallus families, I'm so incredibly sorry to hear of your loss. When my younger sister (Maria) shared this news with my Buteux siblings (Andy & Steve) and me, I was completely taken aback. Though I hadn't seen Jean in decades, I can still vividly recall her infectious laugh and luminous smile from those early childhood days when she would be at our house playing with Maria and friends in the backyard. Reading all the heartfelt comments, I know that Jean's spirit and light will continue to reach all the lives she's touched along her too short journey on earth. Rest in peace, Jean.

- Martha (Buteux) Winslow

My deepest condolences to the entire Hernon and Kallus families. Jean was a great friend in both high school and college. She was always kind and funny. The world has lost a truly good person.
Kathy Keaveney

- Kathy Keaveney

Paul, very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your entire family

- Tom O'Toole

Marty & family-

I was so sorry to hear of Jean's passing. My deepest symparhy to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.

Vic Fariello

- Victor Fariello Jr

Paul, Bridget,Paulie, Eileen, Erin and Hernon Family,

My deepest condolences and prayers to you all.

- Nicole Cocomazzi

Jeanie Hernon was the most effortlessly cool kid growing up in New Hartford. I recall her coming to school at one point in denim overalls – in hindsight, probably hand-me-downs from one of her older brothers and perhaps a small rebellious act against the St. John’s uniform she wore in her early elementary grades. Whatever, I instantly wanted a pair, because she made it cool. At a co-ed 6th grade graduation party, I remember Jean was unique in being equally at ease with the boys and the girls. That may have been a skill acquired as the youngest of the 10 Hernon children.

A natural athlete, she was a 4-sport athlete in Junior High – an unheard-of feat these days. As I looked through old yearbooks upon hearing of Jean’s tragic death, it was no surprise that she was voted “Class Jock” and “Most School Spirited” in 9th grade at the end of our time at Perry/New Hartford Junior High. Again, in our senior year at New Hartford High, she was voted “Most Likely to be in the 1984 Olympics” as she exceled in Field Hockey and Basketball. She worked on the school newspaper and served as a Yearbook editor, as well as on Student Council and as Vice President of the National Honor Society. She was smart – without a whiff of nerdiness.

She was also fun with a great attitude. We took a college road trip junior year in high school in an unexpected snowstorm. There was barely heat in the front seat of the car so she must have been freezing in the back seat, but she never complained.

After high school graduation in 1982, I saw Jean a couple of times when visiting Union College where she attended along with classmate Kathy Keaveney. When I heard that Jean had died, I immediately regretted not keeping in touch with her. We both became attorneys, and it would have been interesting to share our perspectives. I marvel at her 32 years representing underserved populations at Legal Aid. As the youngest in a big family, I would have been fascinated to see how Jean mothered her two children, Margaret and Benjamin.

As I look at old yearbook photos, I mostly wish I had seen Jean's smile in the 36 years since our paths last crossed. With my condolences to Jean’s family and friends –

Lynn Tracy Nerland (New Hartford High School Class of 1982)

- Lynn Tracy Nerland

Dear Harvey and family,
Jack and I are so sorry for your loss. It was always a pleasure to have Jean appear in my court. Not only was she extremely competent, but she had the most beautiful smile. May you be comforted by sweet memories.

- Elaine and Jack Slobod

To the grieving Hernon/Kallus family, I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. My heart goes out to all of you. Words fail to convey how many feel your sorrow.
Louise (Wrate) White

- Louise White

Dear Harvey, Margaret, Ben and the entire family.
We are so sorry for your loss
We pray for you. Our condolences are not enough words but we send you our love and support.
Grace and Peace be with you at this most difficult time.
Love to all,
Mary and Dan Dwight
( Bridget's sister)

- Mary Dan Dwight

Our sincere condolences to Margaret, Harvey and Ben. We loved meeting with Jean and Harvey during and after Margaret's high school days. Jean was so energetic and fun and we enjoyed every minute of our time with her.

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Patrick and Anne-Marie Gorman Doyle and Family.

- Patrick Doyle

Rob and all the Hernons, I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your beautiful sister. I will be thinking and praying for you all.

- Rob Leonard

Rich and I are truly sorry for your loss. Although I did not know your wife I read the obituary and it is clear why she was so loved. I can not imagine what you and your two children are going through. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Jean Halahan and Rich Miller

- Jean Halahan

Oh Kathy and Hernon Family:
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
God bless you and give you strength and courage to comfort each other at this time of mourning.
Prayers and love,
Michele Simmen

- Michele Simmen

Our hearts are broken for all that love Jean. She was beautiful inside and out. She will now be a beautiful soul from above watching down on all she loves. We are sending extra love, hugs and strength to Harvey, Ben and Margaret. May you find some comfort and peace in the memories❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Crofoot’s

- Karen Crofoot

I'm going to miss you, my friend. I so enjoyed bonding over the dogs and the pictures and the stories about how to care for our furry friends. Jean, I want you to know that though so much of that bonding was about the pups, the reason I was so happy and eager to help you adopt Oliver was because you always stuck out to me as someone I wanted in my circle (and I knew you'd love the furbaby).

When I got to Orange County you were one of the first people to ever talk to me like more than a 9-5 coworker. You wanted to get to know me, where I came from, how I got here. You are the kindest, fiercest soul I know and I loved watching you work and I love getting to know you and I love working with Harvey.

I'm going to miss you, my friend. You are one of the absolute best.

- Amelia Moller Giordano

Words cannot even express our sorrow.

- The Messinas

Beautiful picture, Rest In Peace. KP

- KP