

Christine L. Ford


I am heartbroken to hear this news. Mrs. Ford was my second grade teacher at Wetmore School. She was my favorite teacher and is the reason I am a teacher today. She made such a huge impact on my life.

- Abbey Roberts

Oh I am so sorry to see this! I knew that she was ill, but just noticed that she has passed. My deepest condolences to all her siblings, her husband, and other family. Chrissy was one of the sweetest people I ever knew. I will never forget her.

My love and prayers are with you all.

- Diane (Williams) Fetterolf

My husband and I were deeply saddened to hear about Christine’s passing. We were very fortunate to be colleagues of Chris. To know her was to love her! She was the consummate professional—-dedicated, caring, compassionate, highly proficient, & always agreeable. Without exception, you could count on Chris to listen or lend a hand always with a beautiful smile on her face.
To her family may you find peace and comfort in knowing that her memory lives on in the lives she touched. Sending you all of our thoughts and prayers . Chris fly high with the angels and may you rest in peace.
Ann & Peter

- Ann & Peter Decker

It was an honor to work with Chris at the beginning of my teaching career at HR Jones elementary. She was for ALL students, finding the good in all kids. She taught those students as if they were her own children and had a tremendous impact on all those 3rd graders at HR Jones.

- matthew obernesser

I am heartbroken over the passing of my friend Chris. She was truly the nicest person I have ever met. People say that a lot, but it was really true about Chris! Though our time together in person was limited, I so enjoyed spending time with Chris & Ron at several Amy Grant events and other adventures with "Amy Grant People". Her smile, sense of fun, and sweet personality will be forever missed. I am sending love to Ron and her family. Thank you for sharing Chris with us!

- Kim Henning

Mrs. Ford was the nicest teacher I’ve ever had and one of my favorites. I had her as a teacher in third grade at jones elementary. The year I had her was the last year she was teaching before she retired. I remember how much she loved snoopy her students would get her all sorts of snoopy themed gifts. I also remember her talking about how much she loved her dog I remember one day her husband brought her something through the window and he had the dog and we all got to say hi. Mrs. Ford was the most generous teacher I’ve ever had she would give away all sorts of things and never once did she not have a smile on her face. I’m so sorry for your loss.

- Caera Noonan

Mrs. Ford (Miss Kupiac) to me. She was my 2nd grade teacher at St. John’s the Evangelist school and she was my inspiration to become a teacher myself. Just yesterday my students asked me how old I was when I knew I wanted to be a teacher and I said “7” they asked how did you know” and I said I had the most amazing teacher. She loved us like we were her own children. She believed in us. I saw her about five years ago at a yard sale at her house and we hugged and cried she remembered me like she saw me yesterday. She even brought out a quilt that our class made for her in 1983 when she was getting married and I thanked her for all she had done for me. Her memory and love will always remain in my heart
Love Roseann Toukatly

- Roseann

Chris Ford was a beautiful person, inside and out. I think of her as someone who always looked for the good in others. She leaves a meaningful legacy with all the children she taught, as well as those of us lucky enough to teach with her.

- Crystal Barringer

Ron, I am so sorry to hear of loss. Though I never met your wife, reading some of the other condolences gives me a sense of what a special person she was, and how much the two of you loved sharing your life together. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.

- David Vinci

Chris was an Angel on Earth. Her sincerity touched the hearts of all who knew her. May God Bless her family as they carry her in their memories forever.

Martha Mancuso

- Martha Mancuso

Our sympathy goes out to the Kupiec and Ford families.

Gary and Julie Flisnik

- Gary Flisnik

Ron, I am so sorry for your loss. How lucky you were to find such a wonderful person to spend your life with.

- Lauren A Darman

I worked with Chris many years ago at Jones School. I was a young, inexperienced social worker at the time. I will never forget Chris in meetings, fighting for her students because she wanted the absolute best for them. I’m sure not many people could picture Chris “fighting”! But she advocated in such a way for them… I could always tell how much she TRULY cared about her kids. And that’s how she treated them. Like they were her own.
I can honestly say that she is the nicest person I have ever worked with. When my mother passed away, she was so kind and nurturing and I will never forget that. Even after I left Jones, she kept up with me over social media and always left the sweetest comments; especially when it came to my daughter. Who, even though she never met her, cheered for her since she was a baby!
To her husband, family, and close friends- my sincerest condolences to you all. I truly hope that you find peace in knowing how loved and respected she was. People will come to you years from now- previous students and co-workers- to tell you how much she meant to them and it will make you smile that people remember her and still think of her.

- Danielle Mancuso

To the Kupiec family and her Husband ! I'm so very sorry for your loss! My heart and prayers go out to all of you. May this beautiful lady rest in peace and pray for all she leaves behind ! God be with you all in this time of sorrow. ! Linda Sciortino

- Linda Hanna-Sciortino

Ron, you have my deepest sympathies.
May her memory be eternal.

- John Brown

I worked with Chris at Jones School. She had a special way with all her students and I always enjoyed going to pick up a student from her classroom. It was years after working together, that we figured out she was my second grade teacher at St. Mary’s in Clinton. She quickly found class photos and knew exactly who I was in the picture. When encountering difficulties having my second child, Chris was always a quiet, supportive presence. When my daughter was finally born, Chris secretly reached out to my mother and obtained sizes of each of my children and my address. What a surprise when she pulled into my driveway one afternoon with so many gifts to celebrate my daughter’s birth. I will never forget her kindness and support to this day. I am truly grateful to have know her. My heart goes out to all her family and friends.
With love,
Anne Marie Latshaw

- Anne Marie Latshaw

I am so very sorry for your loss. Love and Prayers for all the family.
Love Mona Waffle

- Mona Waffle

It's rare to be fortunate enough to cross paths with a truly genuine and kind soul. I found that in Chris. We taught together, laughed over silly things, vented over the craziness of our profession, and shared our small successes with each other. I've only met a few people like Chris. She truly touched the lives of so very many--several of them young children who adored her. Please know that I am witness to the positive impact Chris had on anyone who crossed paths with her. She forever marked kindness and love on this world and will be greatly missed. Please accept my deepest condolences.

- Tammy Korycinski